2017年11月20日 星期一

2017 挪威 Day 8-8 Bergen City Tour - Edvard Grieg Museum(葛利格博物館)

[1]▲ 挪威作曲家Grieg(葛利格)曾經住過的白色維多利亞風格住家 。


Visit Bergen - Official Bergen Tourist Information Site

Troldhaugen | KODE Kunstmuseer og komponisthjem.

[2]▼ 聽完Lunchtime concert之後,才有時間在週邊走走。

[3]▼ 基本上這邊是個海景房啊,地點超好。


Troldhaugen was the home of Nina and Edvard Grieg. 官網上這麼寫著。

[3]▼ 這棟米白色的Villa就是Grieg(葛利格)住了22年的住家。

[4]▼ Villa正面照,目前這棟Villa就是博物館本身啦,內部有許多Grieg(葛利格)的展覽品。


[V1]▼ (Sony X3000錄影,4K畫質) 經詢問過是可以拍照錄影的,早知道在導覽時就開始錄才對,用錄影來看整個Villa所展覽的東西囉。

[5]▼ (iphone7拍攝) Grieg(葛利格)彈過的鋼琴。

[6]▼ 室內看完了,到室外看看。

[7]▼ 這是剛才聽Lunchtime concert演奏廳的「外面」。

[8]▼ 有沒有發現其實雨下得不小。

[9]▼ 剛才演奏廳可以看到外面的玻璃窗。

[10]▼ 往海邊走去有個紅色小木屋。


The composer's hut
In the house, constant visitors and noise from the kitchen interrupted the absolute quiet Grieg needed in order to work.
This is why he in 1891 had the composer’s hut built down by the lake, so he could be alone with his musical ideas.

Grieg used his composer’s hut frequently when he stayed at Troldhaugen.
He went down every day, locked himself in and tried his best to work.
It wasn’t always easy for a composer who was easily distracted.
An unfamiliar sound or a boat rowing on the lake was enough to break his concentration.
When he left the hut at the end of his working day, or when he was gone from Troldhaugen, he always left a brief hand-written note on his writing desk:

"If anyone should break in here, please leave the musical scores, since they have no value to anyone except Edvard Grieg”

[11]▼ 感覺就是在這邊才可以專心作曲,因為Villa裡面太多雜務、噪音影響的關係,相信靜下心來看著海景,應該是靈感的來源。

[12]▼ 不能進去,所以只能這樣偷窺似的看著。

[16]▼ 內部擺設。

[17]▼ (iphone7拍攝) 不得不說這張用手機拍的比較有味道。

[18]▼ 面對海的那一側。

[19]▼ 演奏廳旁的小徑,演奏廳本身是個不錯的清水膜建築呢。

[20]▼ (iphone7拍攝) 老大硬要我拍張模仿照。

[21]▼ 這是演奏廳的入口,看起來相當低調。

[22]▼ Villa的側面。

[23]▼ 回程的石子路。

[24]▼ 離開前不忘拍一下博物館的門面,售票在這、紀念品販賣也在這,還有餐廳、視聽室等空間,當然還有廁所(免費)XD。

